iOS 16 webRTC: Picture is choppy when scrolling the page on iphone

I use the Replaykit extension to recode the screen and transform the CMSampleBufferRef to CVPixelBufferRef, then add the video frame like this:

        let rotation = RTCVideoRotation(rawValue: videoRotation)
        let rtcPixlBuffer = RTCCVPixelBuffer(pixelBuffer: imageBuffer)
        let rtcVideoFrame = RTCVideoFrame(buffer: rtcPixlBuffer,
                                          rotation: rotation ?? ._0,
                                          timeStampNs: Int64(timeStampNs))
        webRTCClient.addVideoCapture(videoFrame: rtcVideoFrame)

func addVideoCapture(videoFrame: RTCVideoFrame) {

        videoSource?.capturer(videoCapturer!, didCapture: videoFrame)


It works ok on iOS 15, but when I test it on iOS 16, I scroll the page on the sender, and I find the picture is choppy on the receiver. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?

iOS 16 webRTC: Picture is choppy when scrolling the page on iphone