Unsatisfied entitlements: com.apple.developer.driverkit.transport.pci

Hi, I'm developing my own PCIe device driver, the log shows error message below when driver executing.

2023-07-31 13:43:47.031012+0800 0x1d41ce Error 0x0 12158 0 taskgated-helper: (ConfigurationProfiles) [com.apple.ManagedClient:ProvisioningProfiles] com.asix.dext.pciedevice: Unsatisfied entitlements: com.apple.developer.driverkit.transport.pci 2023-07-31 13:43:47.031048+0800 0x1d41ce Error 0x0 12158 0 taskgated-helper: (ConfigurationProfiles) [com.apple.ManagedClient:ProvisioningProfiles] Disallowing: com.asix.dext.pciedevice 2023-07-31 13:43:47.062775+0800 0x1d436e Error 0x0 103 0 kernelmanagerd: Error occurred while handling request "DextLaunch(arguments: Optional(["Check In Token": 12087, "kOSBundleDextUniqueIdentifier": <04642bc8 90788071 c2a02259 c624ba81 3bebbf55 f9f2db7e f9fbbdd5 1f2ed99d>, "Driver Extension Server Tag": 4294982732, "DriverKit Reslide Shared Cache": 0, "Driver Extension Server Name": com.asix.dext.pciedevice, "CFBundleIdentifier": com.asix.dext.pciedevice]))": Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=8 "Exec format error"

**How to match device's PID & VID to driver and make it work successfully?

Please help me, Thanks**

Hi @eskimo , I've read all of the post of this problem and no any idea to solve it. what are those error log and errorcode mean? I can't find any answer exactly in apple document, so stop posting the useless documents and links of Forums post.

  1. " 2023-11-01 16:38:49.218376+0800 0x5ed4 Error 0x0 139 0 kernelmanagerd: DextRecord ( path: /Library/SystemExtensions/108CB18F-44D3-4CDE-A38D-C665BF4473D0/bundleID; isBeingReplaced: false ) was cleaned up from DextRecordTable but was not found in manager to complete cleanup"

  2. " Error 0x0 1171 0 sysextd: no extensions found that are terminating for upgrade via delegate with identifier com.asix.dext.pciedevice"

  3. "Error 0x0 139 0 kernelmanagerd: Error occurred while handling request DextUpdateNotification(arguments: Optional(["CFBundleIdentifier": com.asix.dext.pciedevice, "kOSBundleDextUniqueIdentifier": <b706b870 6e3f583d 5cfa6ae1 504adebd 4dcb54b7 a32c286f df042ab6 60d398bc>])): SysExtensionWaitForTerminationError: Could not communicate with sysextd to continueCleanupForDextUpgrade Error Domain=OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain Code=4 "(null)""

I've searched about the SystemExtension and checked, none of them used in my application, so how this error mean and how to solve it???

  1. why ivars->PCIDevice->Open(this,0) excuse failed and show"kernel: DK: IOUserServer(BundleID-0x1000009af)::terminate(AxPCIeEth-0x1000009af) server exit before start(),and Open()'s return value is " 0xe00002d8". What is "0xe0002d8" exactly mean in this function?

5.2023-07-31 13:43:47.031012+0800 0x1d41ce Error 0x0 12158 0 taskgated-helper: (ConfigurationProfiles) [com.apple.ManagedClient:ProvisioningProfiles] com.asix.dext.pciedevice: Unsatisfied entitlements: com.apple.developer.driverkit.transport.pci

6.2023-07-31 13:43:47.031048+0800 0x1d41ce Error 0x0 12158 0 taskgated-helper: (ConfigurationProfiles) [com.apple.ManagedClient:ProvisioningProfiles] Disallowing: com.asix.dext.pciedevice

7.2023-07-31 13:43:47.062775+0800 0x1d436e Error 0x0 103 0 kernelmanagerd: Error occurred while handling request "DextLaunch(arguments: Optional(["Check In Token": 12087, "kOSBundleDextUniqueIdentifier": <04642bc8 90788071 c2a02259 c624ba81 3bebbf55 f9f2db7e f9fbbdd5 1f2ed99d>, "Driver Extension Server Tag": 4294982732, "DriverKit Reslide Shared Cache": 0, "Driver Extension Server Name": com.asix.dext.pciedevice, "CFBundleIdentifier": com.asix.dext.pciedevice]))": Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=8 "Exec format error"

what the meaning of those error message and how to do to avoid showing those error? If you can explain it very clearly, I'll very appreciate it.


the file below are my entitlement & plist setting.

Unsatisfied entitlements: com.apple.developer.driverkit.transport.pci