Bounce a virtual object off real world wall?

Hi! While waiting for scene understanding to work in the visionOS simulator, I am trying to bounce a virtual object off a real world wall or other real world object on iOS ;). I load my virtual objects from a Reality Composer file where I set them to participate in physics with dynamic motion type.

With this I am able to have them collide with each other nicely, occlusion also works, but they go right through walls and other real world objects rather than bouncing off...

I've tried a couple of variations of the following code:

    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARGameView {

        arView.automaticallyConfigureSession = false
        let config = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
        config.planeDetection = [.horizontal, .vertical]
        config.sceneReconstruction = .meshWithClassification
        if let myScene = try? Experience.loadMyScene() {

        return arView

I have found several references that his should "just work", e.g. in

What am I missing? Testing on iPhone 13 Pro Max with iOS 16.5.1 🤔


While I am able to get ModelEntities generated programmatically to collide with the real world environment, the moment I replace them with a scene built with Reality Composer, the same code results in the the loaded entities passing through all real world objects and walls. I have not found a respective setting in Reality Composer - in Scene Physics, the current version only allows to set "Objects collide with" to "Plane" or "Nothing" , whereas older versions seemed to offer "Collides". I wonder if this feature got removed. I saw that in 2020, the preliminary_collidesWithEnvironment option has been added to USD, which kind of indicates that we should be able to set it in Reality Composer, but no luck so far.