The contents of the SDK privacy manifest file cannot be verified in the privacy report of an app that incorporates the SDK.

I've set up a privacy manifest file in my SDK, which I'm developing in Xcode 15 beta 4, and built an xcframework. I verified that PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy exists in the xcframework.

In state verifying the existence of PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy in xcframework, I incorporated the built xcframework into a test app for operation check, created an archive, and outputted a report from "Generate Privacy Report".

Despite having a privacy manifest file set up in the test app, when I checked the report, I was able to confirm the contents of the test app's privacy manifest file but not the contents of the privacy manifest file I configured in the SDK.

I understand that the SDK's privacy manifest file is merged with and outputted from the privacy manifest file of a project that incorporates the SDK. Am I mistaken?

so do i. I wrote a query too, but let me know if there is a solution.

The generated privacy report only includes nutrition labels from dynamics libraries and SDK resource bundles. If the privacy manifest file is in a static library instead of in a associated bundle, then the privacy report generator is not able to find it.

If the 3rd party SDK is integrated as source code and its privacy manifest is not in a bundle, then the SDK privacy manifest might overwrite the app privacy manifest in the product app package.

hi @n-work Did you find any solution on above issue?

The contents of the SDK privacy manifest file cannot be verified in the privacy report of an app that incorporates the SDK.