RegexBuilder refactoring produces code that won't compile

Consider this simple regex that is supposed to match anything but a semicolon:

import RegexBuilder

let regex = /[^;]/

if let match = "a".firstMatch(of: regex) {

As expected, running this prints "a". When I use the context menu action Refactor > Convert to Regex Builder, Xcode converts the above code into the following:

import RegexBuilder

let regex = Regex {

if let match = "a".firstMatch(of: regex) {

This will not compile and gives the compiler error

Value of type 'One<CharacterClass.RegexOutput>' (aka 'One<Substring>') has no member 'inverted'

How can this RegexBuilder expression be fixed? I am mainly asking this because I would like to use the inverted function in a more complex example, but so far have been unable to make it work.

RegexBuilder refactoring produces code that won't compile