When iOS version is CTCarrier deprecated?

In the Apple's documentation link below, it says CTCarrier is deprecated. Does this mean this class wouldn't work on iOS 16.0+ or iOS 17+. Notice, in the web page, it says "iOS 4.0 - 16.0 Deprecated." This makes me wonder if this API wouldn't work on iOS 17+

Any help is appreciated.

That means the API was first introduced in iOS 4 and was deprecated in iOS 16. It doesn't mean its deprecated in iOS 4 to 16 and will magically not be deprecated in iOS 17

This makes me wonder if this API wouldn't work on iOS 17+

It already has significant limitations on iOS 16. See iOS & iPadOS 16.4 Release Notes.

You may not notice this right now because your app is built with the older SDK. At some point, however, it’s likely that App Review will require that new submissions be built with Xcode 15, so the iOS 17 SDK, and thus you won’t start getting back these static values.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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When iOS version is CTCarrier deprecated?