Wrong fonts loaded from Storyboards in Xcode 15

We use Storyboards and custom fonts in our app. Once we started developing new features for iOS 17 and did the first build in Xcode 15, we've noticed that in quite a few places incorrect fonts are set to views. In some places it is incorrect weight, while in other it's completely different font.

Some observations:

  • Fonts may change the next time app is build. E.g., instead of SF Pro Display Semibold we got SF Pro Display Heavy, and then after few relaunches it switched to Nunito Bold 😵‍💫
  • We’ve ensured that correct font is set in Storyboard, and even tried to re-assign it. That didn’t help.
  • All custom fonts are properly added to a target and are registered in info.plist
  • All custom fonts are listed in UIFont.familyNames, so they are indeed registered with the system.
  • Wrong fonts are loaded on both development environment and in TestFlight builds
  • We’ve never experienced anything similar before Xcode 15

What we've tried:

  • Re-assigning fonts in Storyboard.
  • Creating new Storyboard in Xcode 15 and copying screens into it.

I wonder if anybody else having similar issues and maybe knows the workaround.

Thank you.

P.S. I've filed a Feedback to Apple: FB12903371

Answered by Serzhas in 768210022

The issue seems to be fixed in Xcode 15.1 Beta 1! Fonts in my test project are loaded correctly now. 🥳 Too bad, we are already setting all fonts from the code 😅

Here is how it looks in Xcode 15.0

I have the same issue as well since the first beta until now. for some of the screen, we assign the font in the code instead of storyboards and it works but we can't do it for all screens since our project is too big and assign all fonts will be huge effort

I'm having the same issue. For my iPad app, one screen switched all labels to bold. In another screen, my iPhone app has switched the labels for one section of my tableview to bold. I printed out the font in the console and even though my storyboard is set to Roboto-Thin, it's printing Nunito-Bold.

We are seeing the same behaviour. Fonts are all messed up in xcode 15 beta 6

We have same issue, fonts are changed from regular to medium or from bold to regular etc. No real logic here why and on what view...

I have the same issue. For me, issue was solving by adding custom fonts programmatically. But the thing is I have to add custom fonts by code wherever I have added custom fonts in storyboard.

Same issue here, any movement here? I have seen this cause some major strange behavior in our app.

Same issue here. Only solution we found, is to set custom font programmatically.

Yes, we ended up doing the same... 😵‍💫

We ended up assigning all the fonts from the code...

We're suffering from the same problem.

Hello, I have the same problem, also yesterday with the latest version of Xcode RC, I thought this problem would be solved, but it was not. Our project is too big. I hope that for the latest version the problem will be solved.

It's a known issue in the Xcode 15 release notes: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode-release-notes/xcode-15-release-notes

Interface Builder documents using custom App fonts may load incorrect font at runtime. (113624207) (FB12903371) Workaround: Set font manually in code.

Same issue, it helps to open xib or storyboard, set font to some other and then assign the one u need. After such reassigning it starts to work correctly again. But its weird and I hope it will be fixed asap...

I would recommend to follow the below steps, which will make things easier and quick

  • Delete custom fonts from your project. || *Backup fonts
  • Run the app to the simulator or a real device
  • Now re-add your custom fonts to your project
  • Run it again

Good luck! 🥳

Any updates on this? Held off on updating to Xcode 15 for our company's project to ensure things were more stable. We have a very large project with thousands of labels. Changing all of these to be programmatically set will be a huge effort. Now having to downgrade to Xcode 14 until this is resolved.

This issue is mentioned in Xcode 15 Release Notes:

Note: Interface Builder documents using custom App fonts may load incorrect font at runtime. To workaround this, set font manually in code.

P.S. I have opened a Feedback Request for this issue after the Xcode 15 Beta 2, but it isn't fixed in release version. Therefore, I wouldn't hold my breath for it to be fixed any time soon. Probably, Interface Builder is now considered a legacy technology, so it doesn't get as much attention anymore... 🤷‍♂️

Sample project I've created for Apple to reproduce the issue: https://github.com/SergejLogis/FB12903371

Same issue here. It's OK to consider any feature as legacy technology, but leave it working as it was before, never broke it and look away as if nothing is happening...

We are facing the same issue. :(

Not sure if this is an Interface Builder is or something broader... I'm seeing this also when using plain SwiftUI. Suddenly I have some text becoming "smaller". For Text, I've been able to use .lineLimit to enforce it to not shrink. But with Toggle's, so far I don't have any luck.

Same issue. Project is too big for manual changing font in code. When we can expect fix for that issue?

This workaround effectively means you cannot use custom fonts in your launch screen storyboard unfortunately.

Accepted Answer

The issue seems to be fixed in Xcode 15.1 Beta 1! Fonts in my test project are loaded correctly now. 🥳 Too bad, we are already setting all fonts from the code 😅

Here is how it looks in Xcode 15.0

For those of you still having this problem, here is how I fixed this. You need to change the metadata for the font to match the filename of the font. The spelling must be exact in the plist file, font file, view font name. If your system cannot find the file you will need to click on the font name, go to the identity and type tab on the top right settings window. click on the full path and select your font file name. This will set your project to exactly where the font file is located. If this doesn't fix the error then clean your build folder or issues and recompile. I have been looking for a solution for this for a long time. If this works for you, please mark this reply as the accepted answer. Thanks, DB

Wrong fonts loaded from Storyboards in Xcode 15