Firebase SDK Err

I updated Xcode to 15 and received an error in the Firestore settings file that "An attribute list cannot appear here" I proceeded to delete the sdk and try to reinstall it as to update the sdk files. When trying to reinstall them it asked for my username or password, all over Firebases website I found no documentation about this, could someone please help.

I don't have much to add other than I'm getting the same issue on the same package/file . I just upgraded from X Code 14 to 15.6 beta. Seems to be on the FIRFirestoreSettings file. I also cannot find anyone talking about on the Firebase Git Hub.

I found a work around. I'm just using X code 15.6 and it works.

Somehow it's now broken again. I switched from my main branch back to branch one and now xcode 15.5 is broken now with the same error. I managed to get it to build once without any issue.

Same issue with XCode 15.0 Beta 6

Same here with Xcode 15.0 beta 7

I solved this issue upgrading the Firebase package to the last version 10.15. Works in Xcode 15 beta 8

same here with xcode 15 and Firebase 10.15

use the following in Podfile

pod 'FirebaseFirestore', :git => '', :tag => '10.15.0'

Any workaround to fix it? Can't build because of this error.

I updated my pods and that line changed to

extern "C" const int64_t kFIRFirestoreCacheSizeUnlimited = Settings::CacheSizeUnlimited;

There may been other changes too but now it works with no issues on the latest Xcode.

After my pods update, My app is crashing in Simulator in Xcode 15 with the below error.

dyld[1382]: Symbol not found: _$s12MessagingAPI10ObservableP11addObserver_05eagerE08onRemove_AA16ObservationTokenCqd___ABQzSgy10Foundation4UUIDVcSgyqd__Sg_AmItctRld__ClFTq Referenced from: <E5F303BC-37EE-3D86-B963-0F0E67D66268> /Users/nowfloats/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/D2153E36-7A57-47AF-8B22-FA452E65CA9F/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/86CB2DD9-343B-4E60-AC6A-EC58B3C563E9/ Expected in: <B9B4AA06-0F82-3BE2-831F-07DBAA33B595> /Users/nowfloats/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/D2153E36-7A57-47AF-8B22-FA452E65CA9F/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/86CB2DD9-343B-4E60-AC6A-EC58B3C563E9/

How can I fix this? Would appreciate your help.

Just update the line in file (I have not updated any pods)


ABSL_CONST_INIT extern "C" const int64_t kFIRFirestoreCacheSizeUnlimited =


extern "C" const int64_t kFIRFirestoreCacheSizeUnlimited =

I have this issue "An attribute list cannot appear here" and removing ABSL_CONST_INIT causing C module compile errors. I searched everywhere but I couldn't find solution for this.

any progress?

Firebase SDK Err