SessionNotCreatedError: Could not create a session: Some devices were found, but could not be used:

I am trying to automate Web app on iOS Safari for e2e test.
Even though following code worked for emulator in iOS 17 beta,
it seems not working on Real Device(iPhone 12, iOS 16.6).

code for test

describe("test0", () => {

  const getDriver = async () => {

    const options = new safari.Options()
    const capabilities = webdriver.Capabilities.safari()
    capabilities.set('safari:deviceType', 'iphone')
    capabilities.set('safari:useSimulator', false)

    const driver = new Builder().forBrowser('safari').withCapabilities(capabilities).setSafariOptions(options).build()

    return driver

  let driver
  beforeAll(async () => {
    driver = await getDriver()
  }, 10000000)
afterAll(async () => {
    await driver.quit();

  test("test", async () => {
      await driver.get("");
  }, 1000000);

Following error will happen when testing through real device while device is listed on Device and Simulators opened by Xcode > Window > Device and Simulators.

 SessionNotCreatedError: Could not create a session: Some devices were found, but could not be used:
    - iPhone (***-xxxxxxx): Remote Automation is turned off (turn it on via Settings > Safari > Advanced > Remote Automation)
    - [unknown wireless device]: device is not paired

      at Object.throwDecodedError (../node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/error.js:524:15)
      at parseHttpResponse (../node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:601:13)
      at Executor.execute (../node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:529:28)

What I tried

I turned on Safari > Advanced > Web Inspector, Safari > Advanced > Remote Automation, Developper > Enable UI Automation on iOS setting.

I enabled safaridriver running safaridriver --enable.


XCode: 15.0 beta iOS: 17 beta

SessionNotCreatedError: Could not create a session: Some devices were found, but could not be used: