It's urgent: Client side logs using OS 16 on iPhone

Hello Folks,

I am simply trying to learn to take client-side logs using Xcode or any easy-to-use tools. Please help. That way I can figure out if the issue is on the client side or not. For the server side, I use Charles proxy and I know how to use that.

Any help is appreciated!

I am simply trying to learn to take client-side logs using Xcode or any easy-to-use tools.

Can you expand on your requirements here? What do you mean by “take”? And I’m a little fuzzy about “client-side” as well )-: Do you mean “on device”? Or is this something specific to your protocol.

If you’re looking for a logging solution to use from an iOS app, my recommendation is that you use the system log. See Your Friend the System Log for links to documentation and various hints and tips.

However, there are other points of view. Many folks prefer to use a custom logging solution, using one of the many third-party logging libraries out there. I don’t have any experience with those, so I can’t offer specific advice on that front.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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It's urgent: Client side logs using OS 16 on iPhone