Bug on iOS Simulator - Toggle Software Keyboard stopped working

For no apparent reason, my iOS simulator keyboard does not toggle to "on" when I do CMD-K or do I/O > Keyboard > Toggle Software Keyboard in the header bar.

The checkmark is never toggled on, no matter how many times I click it or perform CMD-K.

Yet "Connect Hardware Keyboard" is toggled "on".

What I've tried to fix it:

  • restarting my computer
  • restarting xcode
  • downloading the latest version of xcode
  • trying different simulators

I have version XCode Version 14.3.1 (14E300c)

I've done this many times before. This stopped working apparently out of the blue

Silly question, do you have a text field in focus when you do that? It seems to require that to respond.

Welp turns out the checkmark is not appearing but it's actually working, my code is just not mounting the keyboard like I thought it was. My bad

Bug on iOS Simulator - Toggle Software Keyboard stopped working