AppShortcuts.strings ${applicationName} should not be mandatory on the localizable key : Invalid Utterance. Every App Shortcut utterance should have one '${applicationName}' in it.

Xcode 15 beta 6 : Xcode is looking for "${applicationName}" in the strings file keys instead of the value only. (it was working on Xcode 14)

error : Invalid Utterance. Every App Shortcut utterance should have one '${applicationName}' in it.

Hi, would you be able to file a feedback on or in the Feedback Assistant app with a demo project where we can reproduce? Please share the FB number here. Thank you!

At a first look, it would seem that some strings in this file are missing ${applicationName} in the value. Validations have been improved in Xcode 15 to cover more issues that would previously be silent failures.

It make sense to check for ${applicationName} on the value but why on the key ? (as you can see on the screenshot ${applicationName} is in the value) I'll report a feedback

AppShortcuts.strings ${applicationName} should not be mandatory on the localizable key : Invalid Utterance. Every App Shortcut utterance should have one '${applicationName}' in it.