App rejected from TestFlight because it crashes immediately for them with a SwiftUI WindowGroup symbol could not be found error?

I have been stuck on this problem for like a week at this point and I cannot figure it out at all. I'm sure it's a simple problem to fix, but I've researched up and down and can't find a solution.

To make matters worse, I also cannot recreate the crash the reviewers are experiencing. The app works on my device fine, both from building from Xcode and from downloading from TestFlight internal testing. The app works fine on all the simulators as well.

It's an Apple Watch only app with a target dependency of watchOS 10.

Here's the excerpt from the crash log:

"termination" : {"code":4,"namespace":"DYLD","indicator":"Symbol missing","details":["(terminated at launch; ignore backtrace)"],"flags":518,"reasons":["Symbol not found: _$s7SwiftUI11WindowGroupV7contentACyAA04LazycD7ContentVyqd__GGqd__yc_tcAGRszAA4ViewRd__lufC",
"Referenced from: <654E1AA3-D932-32BB-AE35-3AA14E191C79> \/Volumes\/VOLUME\/*\/Wrist Notes Watch\/Wrist Notes Watch App",
"Expected in:     <CD8389BE-8133-355B-A2BD-DEE38FBB1732> \/System\/Library\/Frameworks\/SwiftUI.framework\/SwiftUI"]},

Any help would be much appreciated, I have pretty much exhausted all ideas to fix it that I could think of.

I think I may of found the problem. The reviewer was testing it on watchOS beta 4, which does not have the symbol. It appears this specific symbol is available starting on watchOS beta 5, which is why I can’t replicate the crash since the simulators are on beta 5.

App rejected from TestFlight because it crashes immediately for them with a SwiftUI WindowGroup symbol could not be found error?