Understanding how Xcode Organizer Crashes Report works


I'm writing here in order to make sense of how Xcode Organizer Crashes Report works. In particular, I'm experiencing strange behaviors when I switch among filters (date, version, builds, etc.):

  • if I select, for example, "Last Two Weeks" filter, the latest version of the app, "All Builds" and "App Store", I see additional crashes (new crash entries) compared to using a specific build (we just have one single build for that version that is published in the App Store). I'm noticing the same behavior when, for example, I select "App Store or Test Flight" filter without selecting the specific build ("All Builds" is set).
  • furthermore, I would like to know if a crash that is reported in a previous version will be available in the latest one if not fixed or not experienced anymore by users.

Waiting for a reply I thank you for your feedback.

All the best, Lorenzo

Understanding how Xcode Organizer Crashes Report works