how to show all contents in CPListTemplate?

I test my music app which supports CarPlay.

CarPlay limits maximum number of items with CPListTemplate.maximumItemCount.

my test case(real iPhone and CarPlay Simulator) CPListTemplate.maximumItemCount is 500.

so I can show 500 items in CPListTemplate.

however when I test with Apple Music App, (which has a playlist contains over 1000 songs)

all songs can be presented. (I can scroll first song to last song.)

I guess there's a reload list logic, because the limit count(500 items in list) should be same.

but I don't know when should I reload items.

because CPListTemplate is not UITableView, so I can't check an item position in list.

I checked CPListItem, CPListTemplate and CPInterfaceController in documentation, I can't fine any hint for that.

is there any ideas for showing all contents?

From my experience with the CarPlay API and comparisons between Apple Music and other third party apps, it seems that there are certain capabilities and features that are not available to the general public, but exclusive to Apple's own apps. Compact style CPListItems with title, subtitle and image being one, the sticky type section headers being another, the center style "Only displaying music on this iPhone" section header being a third. Also handling of larger lists, as you mentioned.

One possible workaround could be to have a special "Load more items" element as the last CPListItem of your list that could be used for fetching more items, but you'd also have to cap off the top of the list, because the maximumItemCount still applies. In terms of user experience this is not a great solution. It would of course be much appreciated if Apple would offer more flexible/powerful API to handle such scenarios.

how to show all contents in CPListTemplate?