Please tell me how to remove highlight from editmenu items of PDFView

I use PDFView to show PDF files. A PDFView has several editmenu items in advance. Among them, I want to remove the highlight from the item. So, I made PDFView subclass and overrode canPerformAction and buildMenu respectively, but I could not remove the highlight item from the editmenu. If you know how to remove the highlight item, please let me know. Thanks for reading my post.

I have the same question. I submitted a DTS ticket and will post the result here.

Thank you for your response. I eagerly await your new post.

Thank you for letting me know what's going on. I sincerely hope to hear back from DTS to you soon.

DTS was unable to provide a workaround. Instead, I was suggested to file a bug report at Feedback Assistant. Here is the Feedback ID: FB13243494.

Please tell me how to remove highlight from editmenu items of PDFView