ASWebAuthenticationSession preferEphemeral = false shows null sign-in dialog

When we call ASWebAuthenticationSession with preferEphemeral = false macOS generates this dialog with a meaningless "(null)". This looks very odd and scary for a normal person. Why it shows "null" and can we control this to make it meaningful at least?

It's difficult to diagnose this without more information. Can you file this through Feedback Assistant, and make sure to include:

  • The system logs gathered by Feedback Assistant (ideally triggered shortly after reproducing the issue).
  • The macOS version you're seeing this on.
  • If it's a beta, does this happen on the current shipping macOS?
  • Is this an existing app that started getting different behavior, or a new app that you haven't seen work before?
  • The arguments you're passing to ASWebAuthenticationSession.

Thanks! 🙂

Filed FB13048984. Thank you!

ASWebAuthenticationSession preferEphemeral = false shows null sign-in dialog