Error in C++ Compilation


I get the following error while compiling software, which is related to Apple libs.

/Applications/ error: member 'nullptr_t' declared as a template _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR unique_ptr(nullptr_t) _NOEXCEPT : _ptr(__value_init_tag(), __value_init_tag()) {}

What should I do?

What exact command did you run?

I was just compiling the VTK software and the errors seems to be coming from the Apple and not coming from VTK library. I just used CMakefile.

If you search the forum for nullptr_t you'll find some previous similar reports. They seemed to be due to peculiarities in the user's environment. Did you, perhaps, have some previous error and then set some environment variables to "fix" it ? Look for Eskimo's posts on how to debug.

And BTW, "post the exact command" means copy and paste exactly what you did from the terminal into a post here, not writing "I just used CMakefile".

Error in C++ Compilation