Instruments: could not locate ReferenceCycles event

I've been using Instruments from Xcode 14.3 (MacOS 13.5) on my Intel-based MacBook Pro for a while and starting recently "CPU Profiling" instrument no longer could be configure to trigger sampling on PMI events.

I've checked "CPU Counters" instruments, and it could not use ReferenceCycles event neither as a trigger, nor for sampling:

I can start recording with such configuration, but it stops immediately with an error related to unavailable event, after that Instruments app hangs.

Is it a known issue? Maybe something could be tweaked using, for instance, sysctl to enable ReferenceCycles counter back? I tried rebooting the laptop, but it didn't help.

I also have the same problem on M2 MacBook (modulo event names), filled the issue for it:

Instruments: could not locate ReferenceCycles event