Beginner Seeking Guidance on Connecting a WatchOS App to Tesla API and Core Data Best Practices

Hello everyone,

I'm a complete beginner when it comes to programming and have been learning Swift for the past 2-3 months. I'm in the process of writing my very first project, an Apple Watch app for Tesla owners.

So far, I've managed to complete the UI aspect of the app and have recently begun diving into the coding part. However, I find myself a bit lost when it comes to connecting my app to the unofficial Tesla API.

On top of that, I'm also wondering if integrating Core Data is necessary for this kind of project?

If anyone could help me by providing a clear roadmap, it would greatly accelerate my research and learning process. Any tips, tutorials, or resources you could point me toward would be immensely helpful.

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

Best Regards Sasan

Beginner Seeking Guidance on Connecting a WatchOS App to Tesla API and Core Data Best Practices