watchOS 10 - WKInterfaceController title alignment


In our existing watchOS application developed in Objective-C (not SwiftUI), we used to set the title property of each screen of the application (in Interface Builder or in the Objective-C code).

The title was displayed on the top left corner (while the time was displayed on the top right corner) => The two information were on the same line, which left a large part of the screen for the interface without a need for scrolling

We have built the application for watchOS 10 (with watchOS 10 Beta 7 SDK) and tested it on watch OS10 Beta 7 on an Apple Watch => the title is displayed on the right, behind the time => It uses two lines and the interface available for the application screens is much reduced.

Is there any solution to set the alignment of the title to the left in order to make it appear on the same line as the time, as on watchOS 9?

Thanks in advance for your answer

Best regards.

I have forgotten to mention that I use the title property of WKInterfaceController class

I have the same issue. My app is a mix of UIKit and swiftUI running in WKHostingControllers. The fact that the close button has shifted down a line is causing me all sorts of grief. It seems a bit pointless to me and a total waste of screen real estate!

The same problem with our watchOS 9 app and navigationTitle(_ title: Text) all across the app. How we can move title back to it position in the display's upper left corner?

Hey, I wanted to confirm that I am encountering the same issue with title alignment, except my application is developed in SwiftUI for watchOS 10. I've built and tested the app on watchOS 10 and the title also appears to the right of the time, taking up two lines.

There seems to be no way to put the title back into top-left corner when compiling with watchOS 10SDK. It's a shame because it really eats away the space on non-scrolling fixed layout screens. I believe they moved the title to where it is now because in watchOS 10 you can (in SwiftUI only) have a layout that has a button in the top-left corner.

watchOS 10 - WKInterfaceController title alignment