WeatherKit REST API Suddenly Returning 401 {"reason": "NOT_ENABLED"}

System status shows WeatherKit as available, but currently all calls returns status 401 with the response body containing {"reason": "NOT_ENABLED"}.

We have been running the exact same code in production since March 2023. Nothing changed. The system just started returning errors.

Is that happening for anyone else?

I'm receiving the same response. I've been running the same code in production since November 2022. Every WeatherKit REST API call is now returning the 401 error as above.

We are seeing it too

Happening to us too!

Yes, this just started happening for me as well.

I started seeing this around 5:30 PM Pacific Time as well. Submitted feedback, ID FB13081982

Yes, happening for me as well. It was working yesterday, but nothing has gone through today.

This started happening for me as well, started approximately 2.5 hours ago.

Happening to me as well.

I'm experiencing the same issue too, 100% fault rate since roughly 5:42pm PST.

me too

The issue appears resolved now. Still, no report of any maintenance or downtime on the service status page. Pretty alarming if you are depending on this API for a production system.

The issue was resolved after about 8 hours for me as well. No code changed on our side, this seems to have been a WeatherKit issue.

During this whole time the Apple System Status page continued to be green:

I'm not sure this status page can be trusted. How come a service issue that affected multiple customers didn't cause the dashboard to be yellow or red during the time it was broken?

WeatherKit REST API Suddenly Returning 401 {"reason": "NOT_ENABLED"}