Signing an APP for Mac (not Xcode, Python compiled)


I'm trying to sign and app which is a python compiled exe for Mac OS (one file only).

The app runs perfectly on my own mac (or some else's, but only after being admin authorized)

after running codesign --sign "$devID" $file2sign

I got the following error:

Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Development:..." errSecInternalComponent

As per screenshot, I have both a current Dev cert and the intermediate certs installed.

Any help will be highly appreciated!

I got the following error:

Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Development:..." errSecInternalComponent

See this post Resolving errSecInternalComponent errors during code signing.

As per screenshot

That screen shot always shows a blue plus sign, which means you’ve been changing trust settings, which is never a good thing.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Thanks Again. After seeing the suggested post, using the cmd: "security find-identity -p codesigning" I noticed that I don't have "matching entities", only entities (and, as indicated, therefore I "don’t have a code signing identity to sign with"). Now, the problem remains, as I followed the recommended steps: generate de cert request, download the cert and install de intermediate certs (in that order, just in case the order matters). Any suggestions?

yes I change this as it appears as “untrusted” even when I signed it with my dev ID and is seating in my own computer…

But changing the trust settings doesn’t actually fix the underlying problem; all it does is create a problem that’s harder to debug )-:

can you point me to where I can learn how to properly set this?

I already did that. Resolving errSecInternalComponent errors during code signing links to Fixing an untrusted code signing certificate which explains how to remove your trust settings override and then continue debugging your problem.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Signing an APP for Mac (not Xcode, Python compiled)