Need Advice / Tech Selection / First Apple App

Hello All,

I hope my first post here finds everybody doing well.

I wish to develop a simple app. I have some coding experience using other technologies. This would be my first iOS and MacOS app. I am asking for advice regarding the choice of tools and or technology. Here is what I think potential advice givers need to know:

  • Motivation is to keep evil coworkers from messing with my Mac when I step away from, (often), my desk
  • In order to thwart their machinations, I have set my Mac to lock after a very short period of inactivity - this is often a pain as I am sitting at my desk when the Mac locks
  • I wear a fairly new iWatch and am using an M2 Macbook Air
  • I want an app that keeps my Mac from locking when I am nearby
  • I want an agent that runs on my Mac that listens for pings from my iWatch
  • I want an app for my iWatch that pings my Mac
  • It would be nice to be able to set the radius of the "nearby zone" and ping rate
  • A ping would interact with my agent so as to keep my Mac from locking
  • If no ping, Mac locks per whatever time-out setting I have on my Mac

I know, I know. I could just use some key combos. No need to point out the obvious way of dealing with the bozos, (we have fun), that I work with. Stymying them in this manner would enhance my happiness.

I just want a bit of advice on the appropriate way of going about this. Hopefully, anything I learn might someday be applied to the development of other simple apps.

Thanks for any thoughts offered!

John Ullom


Chat with your manager about this. Why that chat? In many organizations, IT security would be minimally inclined to coach, or discipline, or potentially fire employees involved in misuse of the organization's computing resources.

A built-in means to lock macOS involves a token-based login and a card reader:

I would generally not suggest starting out with a problem related to IT security as your first project learning about development on macOS or Apple platforms. Apple has some intro material here: