AppleScript: RemoveEmojisFromFilename

Hi, So I've been trying to set up this applescript which removes Emojis from filenames in my Download folder. Right now it's set up to work with a droplet, but for some reason I get an error message when running the script. This is my error message:

Can’t get name of alias "Macintosh HD:Users:<username>:Downloads:Armandocolor IDREAM - Alone RMX BURNAxBOY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.mp3".

This is my scriptcode:

    -- Prompt user to choose files
    set selectedFiles to choose file with prompt "Select files to remove emojis from:" with multiple selections allowed
end run

on open theFiles
    -- Called when files are dropped onto the droplet
end open

on processFiles(fileList)
    repeat with aFile in fileList
        set fileName to name of aFile
        set newName to removeEmojisFromText(fileName)
        -- Check if the filename changed
        if newName is not equal to fileName then
            set name of aFile to newName
        end if
    end repeat
end processFiles

on removeEmojisFromText(inputText)
    set outputText to ""
    repeat with i from 1 to count characters of inputText
        set thisChar to character i of inputText
        if (thisChar is not in {"", return, tab}) then
                set outputText to outputText & thisChar
            end try
        end if
    end repeat
    return outputText
end removeEmojisFromText

Can someone help me out with this code? I'm very much a noob still at applescripting...

AppleScript: RemoveEmojisFromFilename