Get List/Count of bluetooth connected devices to Ipad

I am working on a Application which requires to identify list of bluetooth paired devices connected to Ipad. I have used scanforperipherals(withServices:nil) in CoreBluetooth framework but I see state is always disconnected even though device is connected to iPad.

output : <CBPeripheral: 0x281d000, identifier = 31EADDCE-5DBC-E57F-84DB-1488C20460F9, name = AirPods Pro, mtu = 0, state = disconnected>

Later used Retrieveconnectedperipherals method ( ) and tried to fetch the Bluetooth connected devices list. But this method mandates to provide ServiceUUID list of the devices that needs to be fetched which doesn't help me as I need to fetch all devices list.

I understand EAAccessoryManager framework gets the list of MFI devices but it mandates to provide protocol names of devices.

let connectedDevices = EAAccessoryManager.shared().connectedAccessories as? [EAAccessory]

Would like to know if there is any way to fetch the list/count of Bluetooth devices connected to iPad without providing UUIDs/Protocol names. Thanks in advance!

Let me know if any other information is required.