Strange screenshots warning about Watch Series 3 in App Store Connect


I'm deploying my app to the store for the last several year. I have a Watch app. No matter what I do, I get the next warning above my version information screen for each new build:

You’re currently using Apple Watch Series 3 screenshots for your latest watch build. Adding screenshots for the newest devices can help you accurately represent your app’s user experience on the App Store

Although I take the screenshots on a real Watch series 9. Does anyone know how I solve it?

I am also getting similar issue. How did you solve it?

You’re currently using Apple Watch Series 6 screenshots for your latest watch build. Adding screenshots for the newest devices can help you accurately represent your app’s user experience on the App Store.

I didn't solve it.

I'm getting "You’re currently using Apple Watch Series 9 screenshots for your latest watch build. Adding screenshots for the newest devices can help you accurately represent your app’s user experience on the App Store." But Apple Watch Series 9 is the newest device, isn't it!?!

Strange screenshots warning about Watch Series 3 in App Store Connect