PDFKit page render issue

Hi there,

I am currently facing an issue with PDFKit page rendering. In one of my application, I have to open annoted PDF for reading and when user tap on particular annotation, I have to jump certain number of pages in same PDF to open the new desired page.

Example: User is on page 2 and when user tap on menu button, I need to navigate directly on page number 8.

With above scenario, my application takes a while to load page number 8 and User can see white screen before loading PDF page. When I checked console log, I can see following as an error.

F.I: App requires to use usePageViewController for pagination. I am using as per following:

 _pdfView = [[PDFView alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
    [view addSubview:self.pdfView];
    self.pdfView.delegate = self;
    [self.pdfView setAutoScales:true];
    [self.pdfView setDisplayDirection:kPDFDisplayDirectionHorizontal];
    [self.pdfView usePageViewController:true withViewOptions:nil];
    [self.pdfView setBackgroundColor:UIColor.whiteColor];

Warning: Unable to complete drawing page index 24 on time as a request to forceUpdateActivePageIndex:withMaxDuration: 0.02

I hope if someone can help me on that Thanks.

PDFKit page render issue