How to support foregroundColor (deprecated) and foregroundStyle in watchOS 9/10?

In my Watch app on watchOS 9 I was using .foregroundColor(myColour) to colour the text in a widgetLabel on a corner complication like this:

let myColour: Color = functionThatReturnsAColorObjectConstructedLike Color.init(...) // green
.widgetLabel {

It worked fine; the widget label was green.

Now, in watchOS 10, I see that foregroundColor() is being deprecated in favour of foregroundStyle(), and I can use .foregroundStyle(.green), and - importantly - foregroundStyle() is only available on watchOS 10 and newer.

myColour is calculated depending on some other info, so I can't just write .green, and when I use .foregroundStyle(myColour) the widget label comes out as white every time, even if I set myColour = .green.

I think I have to use some sort of extension to pick the right combination, something like:

extension View {
	func foregroundType(colour: Colour, style: any ShapeStyle) -> some THING? {
		if #available(watchOS 10.0, *) {
			return foregroundStyle(style)
		} else {
			return foregroundColor(colour)

// Usage
let myStyle: any ShapeStyle = SOMETHING?
.widgetLabel {
        .foregroundType(colour: myColour, style: myStyle)

It doesn't work. I just can't figure out what should be returned, nor how to return it. Any ideas?

Right, it's pretty clear to me now that you cannot use .foregroundStyle(/* any colour */) in a corner complication.

myColour is the result of some calculations in a function, but the effect is to return a Color object of .red, .green, or .yellow.

In this example it's returning .red. Here's what happens when I use foregroundColor(myColour):

.widgetLabel {
		Text("New York")

This works correctly.

Now, when I use foregroundStyle(myColour):

.widgetLabel {
		Text("New York")

The text is white, not red.

And now, when I use foregroundStyle(.green):

.widgetLabel {
		Text("New York")

The text is white, not green.

I've tried a simple example in a new project just in a standard view, not in a complication's widgetLabel:

Text("Hello, world!")

It works fine.

It appears that you cannot use .foregroundStyle() on a Text object within a widgetLabel.

I've also tried these in a corner complication, just removing the complexity of adding a Text object:

// 1
.widgetLabel("Hello, world!")

// 2
.widgetLabel("Hello, world!")

Both of these result in the label being white.

So, either I've thoroughly misunderstood this - what should be an incredibly simple thing - or this is a bug. Apple are deprecating foregroundColor() with a broken alternative.

Happy to be proven wrong.

How to support foregroundColor (deprecated) and foregroundStyle in watchOS 9/10?