How can we attach three pinch zoom in UITableView in ios ?

I want to attach a three pinch zoom to my UITableView . When user uses three pinch zoom i want to show more details in uitableview where as in two pinch zoom i want normal zoom behavior . But when i am using UIPinchGesture it is only giving numberOfTouches as 2 even when i use three fingers .

Doc only speaks of 2 fingers

The user must press two fingers on a view while pinching it. When the user moves the two fingers toward each other, the conventional meaning is zoom out; when the user moves the two fingers away from each other, the conventional meaning is zoom in.

However, this post explains how to detect 3 fingers, using gestureRecognizer(_:shouldReceive:)

You could try to manage the 3 finger pinch in this func and return false after.

Hope that helps.

How can we attach three pinch zoom in UITableView in ios ?