Xcode 15 15A240d - iOS 17 simulator does not boot without internet access

On freshly set Mac, or in VM, when there is NO internet access, xcrun simctl boot <UDID> fails to boot any simulator with the error:

Unable to boot device because we cannot determine the runtime bundle

xcrun simctl list devices displays all created simulators with error message:

runtime profile not found using "System" match policy

As soon as you connect machine/VM to the internet, and start Xcode.app GUI, everything starts to work. Internet can be disconnected afterwards.

This is very bad for CI automation.

Feedback filled https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/13098070

Answered by valexeev4 in 765617022

The issue is that Xcode 15 is unable to create a new file at ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/RuntimeMap.plist, and without that file the symptoms above occur. Probably that file is downloaded from Internet.

Accepted Answer

The issue is that Xcode 15 is unable to create a new file at ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/RuntimeMap.plist, and without that file the symptoms above occur. Probably that file is downloaded from Internet.

Xcode 15 15A240d - iOS 17 simulator does not boot without internet access