App rejected based on 5.1.1 guidelines

My app was rejected because I use the word 'Enable' on a button, which triggers the system permissions request. I've attached below the the rejection reason, along with the screenshot they provided. I made an appeal for this rejection last week, but haven't heard anything since. So I thought I'd ask for opinions.

My issue with the rejection is that not only can I not find any violation of Privacy guidelines, but the suggestion from the reviewer is worse and would be a confusing UX. My flow is a typical onboarding flow, describing features and asking for permissions up-front to ensure the app works properly from the start - something lots of apps do. Sure it could be improved but this is the first version & release.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this issue, or even a better suggestion than the one the reviewer provided?

I think the reviewer has a point here. The current "Enable" looks like the only option to progress to the next step. I'd agree that anything permission related should not be non-skippable or be enforced. You can later highlight the limitation in the app itself or use an alert. The way it is now - give a permission or close and remove the app.

App rejected based on 5.1.1 guidelines