Working with DeviceAcivityMonitor API

I am trying to recreate the following example. However, when i create a Singleton class MyModel and bind the familyActivityPicker like this

@ObservedObject var model = MyModel.shared
Button("Present FamilyActivityPicker") { isPresented = true }
   .familyActivityPicker(isPresented: $isPresented, selection: $model.discouragedApps)

Then in my DeviceActivityExtension I try to access the discouraged applications, this way

   let model = MyModel()
   let applications = model.discouragedApps

But the model.discouragedApps is always empty. How do I pass the selected applications into my extension. In all of the documentation this part is very conveniently left unexplained.

Can I use the local storage to save the user selection and then read it from there instead of having to use the Singleton pattern ?

Working with DeviceAcivityMonitor API