Issue with Mac Catalyst App Distribution


I'm currently working on an unreleased iOS app with support for macOS using Mac Catalyst. However, I've encountered an issue while trying to create an archive build for Mac Catalyst using Xcode command line tools.

I've set up a new profile specifically for Mac Catalyst and I'm using the Apple Distribution Profile. However, when I attempt to export using this profile, I encounter the following error: "error: exportArchive: No signing certificate 'Mac Installer Distribution' found."

I've also tried using a macOS profile, but it results in an error indicating that the profile used is not a Mac Catalyst profile.

Upon investigating my Apple Developer Account, I've noticed that when I select macOS, I can see the Mac Distribution option. However, when I choose Mac Catalyst, I only see the Apple Distribution option in the certificate selection.

Could you please advise on the correct steps to create a profile and certificate for a Mac Catalyst build? Here's the export info plist and the command I'm using to export the Mac Catalyst app:

xcrun xcodebuild -exportArchive \
    -archivePath "${ARCHIVE_PATH}" \
    -exportOptionsPlist "Path/MacOS_AppStore.plist" \
    -exportPath "${DEPLOY_DIR}"

Export Options Plist:

    <string>Apple Distribution</string>

I appreciate any guidance on this matter.

Issue with Mac Catalyst App Distribution