Not able to add credit card to Apple Wallet through In-App Provisioning in banking app

Hi, I'm working in-app provisioning of card from inside a banking app. But fails to add card to wallet with generic error "Could Not Add Card - Try again later or contact your issuer for more information" when clicking on Next from screen where card holder name & card number screen with title "Add Card to Apple Pay".

I see from Console app below messages

End remote event deferring requested for token: 0x280649e50; environments: 1; reason: PKRemoteAddPaymentPassViewController: 0x144124600: end deferring Disconnecting: identifier:; assertion: 0x280630140 Terminating interface and invalidating assertion: identifier:; assertion: 0x280630140 Terminating interface and invalidating connection: identifier:; assertion: 0x0 Disconnecting: identifier:; assertion: 0x0 Acquiring assertion: <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "NetworkProcess Background Assertion" ID:(null) target:2696> Terminating interface and invalidating assertion: identifier:; assertion: 0xXXXXXXXXX Terminating interface and invalidating connection: identifier:; assertion: 0x0

Kindly help me to resolve this problem.


Not able to add credit card to Apple Wallet through In-App Provisioning in banking app