The content of Oslo merchant validation is incorrect


I am integrating with the Apple Pay on my website. I am trying to perform a request via Postman to register a merchant - just testing if body of request is valid, if it actually registers a merchant etc. While I am doing so I get the following error:

    "statusMessage": "Payment Services Exception Domain check failed with the following errors. No domains were registered.\nDomain verification failed for pspId=ENCRYPTED_MERCHANT_ID url=/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association errorMessage=The content of Oslo merchant validation is incorrect",
    "statusCode": "400"

Note that domain name and pspId were censored for security reason.

I have no idea what does that error mean.

  1. Our domain is verified. We have domain verification file on the endpoint /.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association errorMessage - otherwise our domain could not be registered. I have also checked it manually many times if it is there and everything looked fine.
  2. We have an active payment processing certificate.
  3. We have a merchant identity certificate. I use it on the serwer and on Postman for both and
  4. Requesta sent to Sandbox pass and return status 200.

Request body:

    "domainNames": [""],
    "encryptTo": "",
    "partnerInternalMerchantIdentifier": "xyz25",
    "partnerMerchantName": "Some name"

Data is replaced with placeholders. I am 100% sure that fields encryptTo and domainNames are valid.

Thank you in advance for any help.

Answered by jeremi-ol in 767474022

I have managed to solve this issue 👍

It turns out we were using the wrong domain association file. Before, I was generating it through Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles panel and then attached it to my site. That resulted in the "Oslo merchant error" (I wish that name was more self-describing).

Instead, I was supposed to use domain association file related to our merchant identifier. It was sent to us when we were given access to Apple Pay API. It worked perfectly. Simple mistake.

I hope it will help anyone who encounters this issue in the future.

Accepted Answer

I have managed to solve this issue 👍

It turns out we were using the wrong domain association file. Before, I was generating it through Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles panel and then attached it to my site. That resulted in the "Oslo merchant error" (I wish that name was more self-describing).

Instead, I was supposed to use domain association file related to our merchant identifier. It was sent to us when we were given access to Apple Pay API. It worked perfectly. Simple mistake.

I hope it will help anyone who encounters this issue in the future.

The content of Oslo merchant validation is incorrect