How to convert ARDepthData to AVDepthData with float32 or depth32 disparity. "No Auxiliary Depth Data found"

I want to create a 3D model with Photogrammetry Session. It's working fine with AVCaptureSession with Depth Data .

But I want to capture a series of frames from ARKit and sceneDepth which is of type ARDepthMap.

Depthdata is being stored as tiff but I'm still getting the error .

if let depthData = self.arView?.session.currentFrame?.sceneDepth?.depthMap
if let colorSpace = CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.linearGray)


 let depthImage = CIImage( cvImageBuffer: depthData,options: [ .auxiliaryDisparity: true ,.auxiliaryDepth : true] )

depthMapData = context.tiffRepresentation(of: depthImage,format: .Lf, colorSpace: colorSpace, options: [.disparityImage: depthImage])

                if let image = self.arView?.session.currentFrame?.capturedImage {
                    if let imageData = self.convertPixelBufferToHighQualityJPEG(pixelBuffer: image) {
                        self.addCapture(Capture(id: photoId, photoData: imageData, photoPixelBuffer: image,depthData: depthMapData))

"No Auxiliary Depth Data found" while running the photogrammetry session.

How to convert ARDepthData to AVDepthData with float32 or depth32 disparity. "No Auxiliary Depth Data found"