Missing Mouse and Trackpad Setting in Mac OS 14 Virtual Machine

I have a Mac OS virtual machine (VM) on my Macbook Pro with M1 Pro chip. The VM was set up using Xcode and Apple's sample code in https://developer.apple.com/documentation/virtualization. Both the host and the VM have Mac OS 14. The mouse and trackpad scroll direction is reverse to what I am used to so I need to change the natural scroll setting. However mouse and trackpad settings are missing in my VM. Usually, they are under Keyboard (host has them).

The pointing device was set up using the default in the sample code:

static func createPointingDeviceConfiguration() -> VZPointingDeviceConfiguration { return VZMacTrackpadConfiguration() }

I have been using this setup before without a problem. But now I am not able to change the scroll direction. Does anyone know what is going on? Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Could it be that you were previously using an older version of the code sample?

The Virtual Mac can use two pointing devices: VZMacTrackpadConfiguration and the VZUSBScreenCoordinatePointingDeviceConfiguration. The former allows gestures in the guests but is not configurable. The later does have configuration but doesn't have any of the Mac specific capabilities.

The oldest code sample was using VZUSBScreenCoordinatePointingDeviceConfiguration. The code sample for macOS Ventura and later uses VZMacTrackpadConfiguration.

Missing Mouse and Trackpad Setting in Mac OS 14 Virtual Machine