Imported RealityKit but Cannot find 'Model3D' in scope

Xcode complains that Model3D is not in scope despite that RealityKit is imported. I have tried with Xcode 15 & beta 8 in vain. How can I resolve this issue?

import SwiftUI

import RealityKit

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
    Model3D(named: "Robot-Drummer") { model in
            .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
    } placeholder: {



Do you need to download and install the VisionOS SDK, which apparently doesn't come as standard with XCode?

I had the same issue, the solution is to render the application in Apple Vision Pro instead of an iOS device.

I'm running into this also - does this require a Silicon processor on the Target?

(Apple Silicon)

Imported RealityKit but Cannot find 'Model3D' in scope