Issue with Quick Look AR App Missing Textures on 3D Models After Upgrading to iPadOS 17

Hello Apple community,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to report an issue that I've encountered after upgrading my iPad to iPadOS 17. The problem seems to be related to the Quick Look AR application, which I use extensively for 3D modeling and visualization.

Prior to the upgrade, everything was working perfectly fine. I create 3D models in Reality Composer and export them as USDZ files for use with Quick Look AR. However, after the upgrade to iPadOS 17, I've noticed a rather troubling issue.

Problem Description: When I view my 3D models using Quick Look AR on iPadOS 17, some of the 3D models exhibit a peculiar problem. Instead of displaying the correct textures, they show a bright pink texture in their place. This issue occurs only when I have subsequent scenes added to the initial scene. Strangely, the very first scene in the sequence displays the textures correctly.

Steps to Reproduce:

Create a 3D model in Reality Composer. Export the model as a USDZ file. Open the USDZ file using Quick Look AR. Observe that the textures appear correctly on the initial scene. Add additional scenes to the model. Navigate to the subsequent scenes. Notice that some of the 3D models display a pink texture instead of the correct textures (see picture). Expected Behavior: The 3D models should consistently display their textures, even when multiple scenes are added to the scene sequence.

Workaround: As of now, there doesn't seem to be a viable workaround for this issue, which is quite problematic for my work in 3D modeling and visualization.

I would greatly appreciate any insights, solutions, or workarounds that the community might have for this problem. Additionally, I would like to know if others are experiencing the same issue after upgrading to iPadOS 17. This information could be helpful for both users and Apple in addressing this problem.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from the community and hopefully finding a resolution to this Quick Look AR issue.

Best regards

Hi there, could you file a bug report on feedback assistant with a sample model and steps to reproduce the issue? Also please post the feedback ID here so we can track the issue better.

Also seeing this issue on iOS 17.1

Issue with Quick Look AR App Missing Textures on 3D Models After Upgrading to iPadOS 17