Query: Creating a virtual conference event from the main target of the iOS app.

Hello, I've implemented my Virtual conference extension and my app shows up without issues in the Calendar app and displays our app with a Join button and it all works great!.

However, when creating an event from the main target of the app using EventKitUI with the help of EKEventEditViewController and an EKEvent instance, the event does not display as if it were a virtual conference.

I see a few other apps like Zoom have implemented this and I'm having trouble finding the related documents on how to link a programtically created event with a virtual conference.

Any help or pointers on how to achieve this is highly appreciated. Thanks!

I'm looking to have the "Join" button show up similar to how it shows when a video conference event is created with the help of the EKVirtualConferenceProvider.

Query: Creating a virtual conference event from the main target of the iOS app.