How to create our own Watch face to our app?

Are we able to create our own watch face to our application. We have ios app and watch app, need to create watch face with few app data's like heart rate, steps count, etc on the watch face.

But I fount some answers like it is not possible to create a watch face. Possible to create watch face for Apple Watch?

Are developers allowed to publish watch faces?

I have found a website Facer( where they are offering customizing options and generating .watchface from their website. What approach they are following?

Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 767587022

The best way to create a watch face that features your app is to build complications for your app, add them to a watch face, and share those watch faces in your app. For more guidance, see Sharing an Apple Watch face.

Accepted Answer

The best way to create a watch face that features your app is to build complications for your app, add them to a watch face, and share those watch faces in your app. For more guidance, see Sharing an Apple Watch face.

How to create our own Watch face to our app?