Xcode Playground "Hello, World!" Error

I've seen a few post about this issue Apple continuously has had for years now. I have tried all the solutions that I have seen, but the error still persists. I have zero to little knowledge on Swift/Xcode, coding in general, and I have no idea where to look for these issues. I believe I am using Xcode 15 on macOS Sonoma V14.0.

This the error I keep receiving:

error: error while processing module import: error: /var/folders/3v/dmv573gn64b364sgv041tw7c0000gn/T/playground24-a1e85e..swift:3:25: error: expected ',' in #sourceLocation directive #sourceLocation(file: ""Hello, World!".playground", line: 1)

I just want to learn but this error is really discouraging lol help!

Could you explain: how you created your playground in Xcode:

  • File > New > Playground
  • MacOS or iOS ?
  • Which template (blank ?)

what code you have typed exactly

Exactly like that.

I haven't inputted any code at all. Just created the project and it's already giving me an error.

File > New > Playground iOS Blank Template

I already tried playing with all those settings and nothing has helped. I am going off Apple's Swift Fundamentals Book.

Xcode Playground "Hello, World!" Error