Xcode 15 Stucks on Build Process

Hello, I upgraded to Xcode 15 after updating my Macbook Pro M1 to Sonoma. However, the project, which compiles without any problems in Xcode 14, gets stuck in Xcode 15 near the end of compilation (Example: Building 52/60) and does not give any errors. I can't figure out what the problem is or where the error comes from. I'm open to any help. Thanks.

What is the project? iOS or macOS app? Do you have external dependencies like pods, swift packages? Did you try cleaning the build?

Hello, this is an iOS project and there are many Swift packages. However, I updated it to the latest versions. We even tried compiling it with another macbook with M2 processor but the result is the same. But there is no problem in Xcode 14.3.1. Xcode 15 and xcode 15.1 Beta freezes near the end of the build process and does not progress.

In my case the issue was that I had 2 protocols, one extending another (I forgot what the Swift-appropriate term is), and I had two properties with similar name, but slightly different declaration. Like:

protocol A {
    var field: { get throws }

protocol B: A {
    var field: { get }

And the build just died (same symptoms: hangs forever, nothing helps). Once I removed one of the two properties, the problem went away.

Xcode 15 Stucks on Build Process