Interaction donation failed

I have just added simple intent with deployment target 12.4. Facing following issue, but shortcut is available.

Interaction donation failed: Error Domain=IntentsErrorDomain Code=1901 "Cannot donate interaction with intent that has no valid shortcut types: <INInteraction: 0x2833a7600> { intent = <INIntent: 0x2825b2880> { }; dateInterval = <_NSConcreteDateInterval: 0x2810414a0> (Start Date) 2023-10-12 05:17:03 +0000 + (Duration) 0.000000 seconds = (End Date) 2023-10-12 05:17:03 +0000; intentResponse = <null>; groupIdentifier = <null>; intentHandlingStatus = Unspecified; identifier = 2D9C54D2-4D25-4F24-82AE-E73DB875C662; direction = Unspecified; } for intent <PlaceOrderIntent: 0x2825b6400> { stockName = <null>; }" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot donate interaction with intent that has no valid shortcut types: <INInteraction: 0x2833a7600> { intent = <INIntent: 0x2825b2880> { }; dateInterval = <_NSConcreteDateInterval: 0x2810414a0> (Start Date) 2023-10-12 05:17:03 +0000 + (Duration) 0.000000 seconds = (End Date) 2023-10-12 05:17:03 +0000; intentResponse = <null>; groupIdentifier = <null>; intentHandlingStatus = Unspecified; identifier = 2D9C54D2-4D25-4F24-82AE-E73DB875C662; direction = Unspecified; } for intent <PlaceOrderIntent: 0x2825b6400> { stockName = <null>; }}

Interaction donation failed