Minimum window size of a web app is too large

I have some little helper apps in mind for which it would make sense to write them as web apps which can be «Add to Dock» in macOS Sonoma and be used just like regular native apps.

But it seems that the minimum window size for such apps is fixed at 320 × 567. This is way too large for little helper apps with maybe two text fields and a button. It looks ugly to have this much empty and unused space.

I guess there is no way to be able to make the main window of a web app smaller?

I've noticed that minimal window size of Safari is 576x226 which is almost inverted HSWA minimal size (320x567), but for my use cases landscape orientation for small app (e.g. web music player) is more preferrable than portrait. So why there is difference in aspect ratio between HSWA and Safari itself?

Minimum window size of a web app is too large