Can't retrieve URL field for reminders via API


I try to read reminders in my app using Swift and the EventKit API. This works great with one exception: the url field.

It is clearly set for a reminder and the official reminders app displays the link correctly .

In my Swift code I get the reminder object and title, notes, etc are correctly set. The attribute URL is always nil and I couldn't find any other matching attribute.

Has anybody solved this?

I use fetchReminder on the EKEventStore to retrieve the reminders. This should result in EKCalendarItem objects. I use the snippet below to access the reminders and it works for all attributes except the url attribute.

let jsonElements = reminders.enumerated().map({JsonReminder(id: $1.calendarItemIdentifier, title: $1.title, notes: $1.notes, completed: $1.isCompleted, dateString: createDateString(date: $1.dueDateComponents), url: createUrlString(url: $1.url))})

Kind regards


Can't retrieve URL field for reminders via API