scrollDismissesKeyboard interactively does not updates safe area size while in transition

Related to this StackOverflow post (not mine).
In my chat view:

ScrollView(showsIndicators: false) {
.safeAreaInset(edge: .bottom) { composerView }

Using interactively keyboard dismissing won't change the safe area size interactively causing a weird UI glitch like you can see in the post up above.
The keyboard and composer play nice when I use it as tool bar, But I want my composer to always be visible (obviously), I've tried to play with FocusState to change the composer parent:

.toolbar {
    ToolbarItem(placement: $isFocused ? .keyboard : .bottomBar) {

But not only it redraws the view each time, it will also make the view lose its focus state, affectively releasing the keyboard. Plus it feels kind of a hack.
What is the right way to make the composer move with the keyboard interactively and stay on screen while the keyboard is gone, like in iMessages?

scrollDismissesKeyboard interactively does not updates safe area size while in transition