SIGABRT on WebKit on iOS 17

The application that I'm working on uses WebKit. I'm facing a strange behavior in the app with iOS 17, in which errors are being reported only for this OS version. It is a SIGABRT error, but there is no relevant information on it to work on.


0  libsystem_kernel.dylib +0xa01c  ___pthread_kill
1  libsystem_pthread.dylib +0x567c _pthread_kill
2  libsystem_c.dylib +0x75bac      _abort
3  libc++.1.dylib +0x21bb0         std::__1::__libcpp_verbose_abort(char const*, ...)
4  WebKit +0x5b7ed8                WebKit::ProcessThrottler::sendPrepareToSuspendIPC(WebKit::IsSuspensionImminent)
5  WebKit +0x5b71d0                WebKit::ProcessThrottler::removeActivity(WebKit::ProcessThrottlerActivity&)
6  WebKit +0x20dae8                WebKit::ProcessThrottlerActivity::~ProcessThrottlerActivity()
7  WebKit +0x20da80                std::__1::unique_ptr<WebKit::ProcessThrottlerActivity, std::__1::default_delete<WebKit::ProcessThrottlerActivity> >::reset[abi:v160006](WebKit::ProcessThrottlerActivity*)
8  WebKit +0x5a0d9c                ***::Detail::CallableWrapper<WebKit::AuxiliaryProcessProxy::sendMessage(***::UniqueRef<IPC::Encoder>&&, ***::OptionSet<IPC::SendOption>, std::__1::optional<IPC::ConnectionAsyncReplyHandler>, WebKit::AuxiliaryProcessProxy::ShouldStartProcessThrottlerActivity)::$_5, void, IPC::Decoder*>::~CallableWrapper()
9  WebKit +0xac1524                IPC::Connection::dispatchMessage(std::__1::unique_ptr<IPC::Decoder, std::__1::default_delete<IPC::Decoder> >)
10 WebKit +0xac1868                IPC::Connection::dispatchIncomingMessages()
11 JavaScriptCore +0x4fe10         ***::RunLoop::performWork()
12 JavaScriptCore +0x50ce0         ***::RunLoop::performWork(void*)
13 CoreFoundation +0x37ac8         ___CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__
14 CoreFoundation +0x36d44         ___CFRunLoopDoSource0
15 CoreFoundation +0x354f8         ___CFRunLoopDoSources0
16 CoreFoundation +0x34234         ___CFRunLoopRun
17 CoreFoundation +0x33e14         _CFRunLoopRunSpecific
18 GraphicsServices +0x35e8        _GSEventRunModal
19 UIKitCore +0x22f2f8             -[UIApplication _run]
20 UIKitCore +0x22e934             _UIApplicationMain
21 *** +0xd0c4             main (main.m:15:10)
22 dyld +0x5d40                    start

This error is not occurring on iOS 16 or less. Is there a way to find the reason for this error? Or has anyone faced it and could solve it?

Are you seeing this crash yourself, or is this something reported by users? If the latter, could you check the specific OS versions for those crashes? There was a crash like this in some beta builds that was fixed.

I could not reproduce the error. All I got was from a monitoring tool. These errors can be found in all 17 OS versions (17.0, 17.0.1, 17.0.2, 17.0.3, and 17.1), mostly in 17.0.2 and 17.0.3 ones.

Looking further into this error, most of the track happens only once with each user. Only four users faced it twice. Does it happen in the builds where the crash mentioned happened?

I have the same issue when using WKWebview on macOS 14.4.1 arm and 14.4 x86. It uses as a wrapper. JavaScript side listens to DOM wheel event and calls C++ callback. When I use two fingers to scroll on trackpad very fast, it always crashes with the same traceback (with difference that it's NSApplication instead of UIApplication).

SIGABRT on WebKit on iOS 17