Instruments - No PMI Record Found

Instruments CPU Profiler failed to start the profilable app (get-task-allow is set to true) with error "No PMI Record Found". Device is iPhone 13 Pro currently running iOS 17.0.3. Tried to profile in instruments shipped with Xcode 14.3.1, Xcode 15.0.1 and Xcode 15.1 Beta, same issue across. If it helps, I was able to successfully profile on iPhone X running iOS f16.7 using Xcode 14.2 instruments.

Thanks for reporting this! Can you file a feedback report and attach a sysdiagnose from both the iPhone 13 Pro and your Mac after reproducing the issue again, then post the feedback number here? We’d like to take a look at what’s going wrong.

I am getting this issue as well, iPhone 14 Pro Max. I very much look forward to a solution. Actually, the error I get is the other variant: "No allocated PMI record", but it prevents me from using the CPU Profiler.

I had fixed this issue after install the beta version of xcode as the below like. (but, I am not sure that is the solution.)

  1. install the beta version of xcode
  2. start the xcode (not beta version).
  3. change the command line tool as beta version on settings of xcode
  4. kill the xcode
  5. change the command line tool as original version
  6. reboot the mac
  7. start the xcode connect with iphone.
  8. wait to connect the iphone
  9. start the profile instructment.
  10. start to recording

At that, the "No PMI Record Found" was disappear.

Instruments - No PMI Record Found